Monday, February 18, 2008

Phone calls...

I don't care what you say.... people in Wisconsin can kiss my butt. Talk about some rude people!!! I realize that they are getting lot of phone calls. I realize they've heard it all before... but do you have to be such jack-asses on the phone??? I called for about 8 minutes. My heart couldn't take anymore. How do people face this kind of rudeness for two hours?? I am not an outgoing person in the firstplace. It's going out on a limb for me to call people anyway... everytime it cues me that the line is ringing my heart is my throat and I'm holding my breath. 7/8th of my calls were hangups. I had one rude ol bat tell me she wouldn't vote for my candidate if I payed her. My natural tendency is to give her some snotty answer and to call her a colorful name, but I can guarantee it would get me in trouble. My people would call and ask me to never volunteer for anything like this again. *sigh* Oh well... my next assignment is going to be collecting signatures to get Hillary on the ballot here in MT. This one I think should go much better. My goal is 75-100 people. We'll see what happens. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Prayer Time

There's nothing like listening to your two year old (almost three) saying her prayers. She remembers mommy and daddy (after prompting at previous prayer times). She remembers her school house teacher. She remembers her best friends and her buddy. She remembers the cats Andy, Bailey, and Callie. For a while she remembered her Uncle Bailey when he came to visit. The time is so precious... her little voice is so sweet. I want that time to last forever. I want to videotape her and keep it forever and ever. I want her to stay as little and innocent as she is today. I don't want another baby to go through this again. I just want her. I want her to be my baby forever. She is my love, my little miracle, my little baby.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

I Want To Be Heard

I want my vote to count. I want my voice to be heard. Yet right now I feel like a voice speaking in the wilderness. When do the people get to have their say? When do I get to make a difference? What can I do to get my opinion heard? They say that "every dog gets his day" well then by golly I want mine. I want people to hear what the average woman, mother, wife has to say about the election process. I want my frustration to be known. I want people to know that the mainstream media doesn't know everything. Not even close!! They're supposed to be representing the average American. All they are really doing is trying to brainwash American's into voting for who they want. So then they can have the power. We give them too much power to mush say and way too much influence in how we think. Do you honestly think that they know what's best for us? They with the million dollar cars and mega-million dollar houses? How did we let this happen? How did we lose ourselves? How did we lose our identity?
I want so badly to talk with Sen. Clinton. If you know someone who knows someone who knows someone who knows her, please let me know,let her know give her my number! I want her to know that there are people out there who don't believe a word Obama is saying. We don't fall for the pretty words and false promises. Whatever happened to believing in a real person? Someone who makes mistakes and learns from them. Why do people fall for the person the media is promoting? Do you ever ask yourself why are they promoting him? What does he get out of the deal? What do they get out of the deal? What is he doing for the publicity? To me he is sacrificing his integrity and respect by selling out to the mainstream media. My heart is breaking as I think of all she is going through. My prayers are doubling for her even as we speak.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Air time

You know what really irks me about this election process? It's all the press time that the "popular," "say what you want to hear," "gives me a warm f-in fuzzy" person is getting.

WHY? There's no place in this media that we as common people can voice our opinion!!! I am so frustrated! I want so badly to tell the people of the US what idiot's they are being. WHY?? Are you falling for the smoke and mirrors this person is spewing out like puke?? Are you so desperate that you have to fall for false promises? For BS??? You are setting yourself up for disappointment. For a reality check that's going to smack you in the head and then you'll have screwed up things for the rest of us!!! I cannot tell you enough how much I dislike this man. He is FAKE!!! He is full of CRAP!!! Do not do this to the rest of us who actually are intelligent and don't fall for BS!!!!!!!!

Friday, February 1, 2008

Holding My Breath

I never in my wildest dreams expected to be waiting for a day called "Super Tuesday", yet here I am. I'm anxious. I'm testy (just ask the hubby). Every time I change the channel it's to check out CNN or MSNBC to see what new developments there are. I actually sat through an entire Democratic debate. Yep, I said it. I have officially changed my position. I'm a newby in the Democrat field. They do things a bit different on this side of the isle. This whole delegate thing is enough to make anyone lose their mind. I think I like the Republican way in that respect... winner takes all. I was thinking that was the way things ran until the Nevada primary when they divided everything up and I was thoroughly lost.

Who knew this would be such an important nomination. Either way it goes will be historical. I have my pick. I know whom I want to win. I'm trying to be unbiased in this post. I am trying to see the other side. I'm trying to figure out the positives in the other candidate. So far it's been a struggle finding something that I like. I won't hide the fact that I don't like Obama. I see him and I think.... "car salesman" back away!! My gut tells me he is too good to be true. I don't think he knows what he's talking about when he's announces he stands for change. He speaks change but his actions and endorsees shout... we've been down this road before. I'm not willing to take the chance of letting him try out his wings as President of the US. There's too much at stake.

I want Hillary. I am a woman and I want Hillary. She has experience. She has integrity. She has guts. She has what it takes to run this country. She can win against ANY of the Republican candidates. She can weather any storm that they may throw at her. She's already made it through Monicagate with her integrity attached there's nothing she can't do. (Besides pee standing up. ) I am very aware that my position is an awkward position in the community I live. My husband is in the military and it's unheard of to vote Democrat let alone for a woman. I honestly don't care, he (the hubby) supports me in my voting for Hillary. I can't say where he stands, I'll just say it's just not far from me.

I'm frustrated with the way Hillary is being attacked about her vote on the war in Iraq. I see how short America's memory is. I see how quickly we forgot what happened on September 11th. Do you remember that feeling you had when you saw the towers? Do you remember how you wanted to wage war on anyone and anything that had to do with this? We as a country were very caught up in the moment. Very sure that we wanted someone to pay. Is it so wrong that she was also? That maybe she wanted someone to pay too? Why is she now being made to pay for this? What's done is done. It was voted on. WHO THE HELL CARES NOW?!?! We can't do anything now about who voted which way! We all make mistakes. I dare any of you to be in her position and then I want to see what you come up with. What matters now is ending things.

My prayer is that America thinks through these decisions. Please don't just take the media's say so on this. Please listen to the debates. We are in the midst of history in the making. I pray that we pay attention and that we make the decision that is right for us as individuals. Yours may be different from mine. That's okay. Just stop for a minute and realize we are history.