Thursday, February 7, 2008

Air time

You know what really irks me about this election process? It's all the press time that the "popular," "say what you want to hear," "gives me a warm f-in fuzzy" person is getting.

WHY? There's no place in this media that we as common people can voice our opinion!!! I am so frustrated! I want so badly to tell the people of the US what idiot's they are being. WHY?? Are you falling for the smoke and mirrors this person is spewing out like puke?? Are you so desperate that you have to fall for false promises? For BS??? You are setting yourself up for disappointment. For a reality check that's going to smack you in the head and then you'll have screwed up things for the rest of us!!! I cannot tell you enough how much I dislike this man. He is FAKE!!! He is full of CRAP!!! Do not do this to the rest of us who actually are intelligent and don't fall for BS!!!!!!!!

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