Tuesday, March 6, 2007


Does anyone else miss the days of taking naps? I remember being a kid and my mom making us take naps. Seems back then it was something I just didn't want to do. I would rather stay up and read or bother a brother or anything!! besides sleep. I didn't want to give in to my mom or the blissful oblivion. I now have a daughter who I put down for a nap. Does she like it? Not really. She's reaching the age where she know the routine, where yoyo (yogurt) leads to nap... or yoyo leads to bath which leads to bedtime. So she starts with the whining and the firm, "no." Anyway... back to the subject. Naps. I wish my life were that simple where mom made me take a nap and when I woke up I was refreshed and ready to take on the world again. At least for a few more hours. Being a stay at home mom leaves very little time to yourself. So when the little one(s) are down for the count that's when we party or take a nap of our own. Sometimes we do housework then... but then we're not really having a break that way are we? There are days when I live for naptime. I can get some reading done or check email or yes, I clean sometimes. I dread the day when my daughter will decide that no naps are a good thing. Hopefully that will quickly be followed with kindergarten.

1 comment:

Rob said...

BOTHER a BROTHER?!?!? You mean you took this up as a sport or something? I shoulda known. My "innocent" little sister was bent on making my life.....difficult...