Thursday, March 8, 2007


Potty Training... not Physical Training. We have approached the sacred territory of PT. I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing. My daughter likes to take off her diaper and run around the house in her skivvies. We're trying to determine if this is just because she can consciously make the decision and actually follow through with taking it off... or if she's ready to start using the big girls potty. Last night she was getting ready for bed and we had the bath water running. She sat outside the door and took her pants off and then had me take her diaper/pull up off. I thought she was heading to the bath but no she headed to her potty. She sat down and looked around and then got up.. and lo and behold she had peed!!!! Woohhooo!!! I yelled as I carried her unclothed self down the hallway yelling and trying to find her daddy. I proceeded to trip on my shoes and fall while still carrying her. She was fine, but I bumped my shoulder on the door frame and banged up my knee. Anyway... we found daddy and we proceeded to dance around yelling how happy we were that she had peed! What a moment!!! Of course we're not sure if this is a one moment thing... but we've "officially" switched to pull-ups. Wish us luck!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah...I'm a bit scared to approach this fun time! Mom wants Carter PT'ed by the end of summer and I just look at her and roll my eyes! I think I'll buy the potty soon and start introducing him to it, but right now he has no idea.