Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Potty Training is for the birds!!!

You know how you get so frustrated you want to scream??? Try to add that to potty training a two year old. AGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am soooo over this process. Everyone I talk to says it takes time. EVERYONE!!!!!!! Then there's the people you hate who say their kid learned it in two months or something like that. I'm trying my hardest to ask her to go potty or to tell her she is going to tell me when she has to pee. It's just not working. I am so frustrated I could cry. My daughter is in daycare in the mornings and does great there. Then she comes home and it's like she turns into Mr. Hyde. I can hear her telling herself that "mommy is so much fun to mess with. hee hee hee Watch as I pee myself. See how mad she gets?" UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyone have ANY ideas on how to make this easier??? I'm stuck peeling pooh out of panties and whiping it up off the floor. I've had clothes to change as we're going out the door because she didn't tell me she peed herself. How do you survive this???


1 comment:

Brooke said...

I don't have any tips yet. Carter is still so totally not there. He will accidently go on the potty if we catch him at times, but nothing solid yet. *bighugs* I've always hated this time of the development, I hated being a teacher in the two year old class because of the potty training issues. She will get it. One day. But that isn't much consulation when we are in the now, is it?