In this day and age it's so hard to find peace and quiet. I am a mother of one and I crave silence. When it's nap time I want so badly just to do nothing and hear nothing. But as I sit and contemplate or meditate, I hear a police siren or the heater kicking in. I listen to the refrigerator humming or the traffic going by outside. I am sadly in need of silence in my life. I have so much going on in my house and in my own head that it's so hard to find the solace I so long for. When nap time is finished it will be several more hours before the little one is back asleep and I can escape into the quiet once again.
Why do we need to have TVs and radio's and MP3's or IPod's on ALL the time?
I got up in the early morning hours the other day with my husband. He was leaving for a trip and I had to use the restroom. Outside I could hear the sounds of the birds in the trees. They were alerting us that daylight wasn't too far off. This morning I spent time trekking through the snow after two Canadian Geese as they joined the flock of their brother's and sister's. It was peaceful. I heard them talking and you could hear their feet crunch on the new fallen snow. I got to stand and listen to the snow falling on the trees. I watched as the snow got too heavy for the branch and it plopped to the ground. I heard the little waterfall and listened as the ducks talked to each other.
Silence is so under-rated. It's the time when we find out about ourselves. We learn how comfortable we can be in our own skin. We can use this time to talk to God or just be still. I wish each of us time that we can be silent and see what we can learn about ourselves.
Why do we need to have TVs and radio's and MP3's or IPod's on ALL the time?
I got up in the early morning hours the other day with my husband. He was leaving for a trip and I had to use the restroom. Outside I could hear the sounds of the birds in the trees. They were alerting us that daylight wasn't too far off. This morning I spent time trekking through the snow after two Canadian Geese as they joined the flock of their brother's and sister's. It was peaceful. I heard them talking and you could hear their feet crunch on the new fallen snow. I got to stand and listen to the snow falling on the trees. I watched as the snow got too heavy for the branch and it plopped to the ground. I heard the little waterfall and listened as the ducks talked to each other.
Silence is so under-rated. It's the time when we find out about ourselves. We learn how comfortable we can be in our own skin. We can use this time to talk to God or just be still. I wish each of us time that we can be silent and see what we can learn about ourselves.